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Königin-Luise-Straße, Berlin

Frequently asked questions

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Where is Berlin College located?

Berlin College is situated in the vibrant capital city of Berlin, Germany.

Does Berlin College offer scholarships?

Yes, we provide scholarships based on merit, with opportunities for up to 50% support.

What kind of degrees does Berlin College offer?

We offer top-level programs with degrees from accredited European universities.

What is the mission of Berlin College?

Our mission is to cultivate the entrepreneurs of the future, and we are proud to do so in the heart of Berlin.

How can I apply to Berlin College?

To apply, simply fill out the form, and an academic consultant from Berlin College will contact you within the day via phone or email to provide details. Select your field of study, and we'll guide you through the program options, including full-time, part-time, physical presence, and blended study models.

Is there a special facility for students to develop business ideas to a startup at Berlin College?

Absolutely! Upon enrollment, students secure a place in the Entrepreneurship Hub of the College, providing valuable resources and support throughout their academic journey until graduation.



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